The moment you step out of bed, your never-ending to-do list is breathing down your neck. But already, you know you won’t have enough time to do it all.
Your shoulders are tense even before you start the day. By mid-day, you haven’t been able to get as much done as you hoped, and you can feel the day slipping away. Guilt gnaws at you, and you don’t have enough energy to make it another 30 minutes, let alone until 5 pm.
You’re exhausted and in survival mode.
I hear you. I’ve lived that myself.
But life doesn’t have to be like that.
If you want a less stressful life and to create space and time for what you love, you don’t have to add more to your to-do list.
I believe you can go from merely surviving life to thriving—and the secret is being kinder to yourself.
Living a fulfilled life isn’t about doing more. It’s about connection and doing what matters most. And yet, when you’re stressed and feel pressure to “do it all,” that becomes just another thing on your plate. Then you blame yourself for not being efficient enough, good enough, organized enough—it’s a cycle many women are in.
You are enough.
I believe when you nurture healthy self-compassion, you’ll be better able to take care of yourself, be comfortable saying no, move away from toxic relationships, set better boundaries, and stop feeling unnecessary guilt.
What readers are saying…
Imagine this….
Having more time and space to do the things you love without added stress or guilt, like reading for fun, starting a new DIY project, or baking with your family.
Becoming your own ‘inner BFF’ rather than your worst critic, so you show yourself grace when you make a mistake, lifting yourself up instead of tearing yourself down.
Imagine no longer comparing yourself to others or no longer counting down the days until the weekend.
Yes, it takes effort, but it’s not as hard as you may think, and it starts with being kinder to yourself.
For example, think for a minute about how harshly you judge and criticize yourself for mistakes. Think about those moments when your mean inner critic makes matters worse.
Before my journey toward self-compassion, that was me ALL. THE. TIME. But after discovering simple strategies, I can quickly flip negative self-talk to encouraging words and challenge negative thoughts.
When you become a member of the Joyful State Of Mind community, you’ll learn the mindset shifts that will take you from merely surviving life to thriving—because if you’re already stretched too thin, adding more isn’t the answer.
In my newsletter, you get tried-and-true tips that help nurture a positive and powerful mindset so you can say goodbye to the rat-race that leaves little time for leisure.
About Martha

Welcome! I’m Martha, the founder and content creator of Joyful State Of Mind. I’m a wife and mom of two amazing girls (this pic captures us perfectly as we love being silly😁). I have also been a practicing Social Worker for over 18 years.
In 2018, life as I knew it came crashing down. My father passed away, I was working in a high-stress 9-to-5, and didn’t have the energy to run my own business—so I walked away from it. I had crushing headaches, chronic stomach pain, and panic attacks. The stress was constant, and I felt like I was drowning. I developed anxiety and knew I needed to make a change. So I began deepening my faith and growing spiritually then…
I dived into research mode: I read and highlighted books and articles on how the brain works and how to cope with my stress and anxiety. I watched seminars, researched personal growth, and attended masterclasses with experts. Also, I consulted doctors and began therapy.
But when you’re a busy woman, trying to fit as much as possible into your days only adds stress. So as I tested solutions from experts, I paid attention to what was actually doable when you’re already stretched thin.
After learning strategies and mindset shifts, I could better cope with stress, feel better about myself, and experience less anxiety. I went from surviving to thriving. Like everyone, I’m a work in progress, but I’m now living a more peaceful and joyful life. The first step in this process was to start being as kind to myself as I was to others. That’s an essential key to unlocking a better life, and I want to help you get there, too. 💪❤️
- Master of Social Work – York University, Toronto
- Bachelor of Social Work – York University, Toronto
- Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) – York University, Toronto
Start feeling better right now…
Inside my free Cheat Sheet, The Bad Day Reset Button, you’ll get five proven fixes that will melt your stress away. Just add your email in the form below for some quick wins, and I’ll send it to you right now.
This is possible for you, too…
I know life is hard. Let’s get through this together.
Drop me a line here because I’d love to connect with you!
You can also find me on Pinterest or Instagram.
Please note: This is not a clinical website and any information shared is not medical or therapeutic advice. It’s a site for documenting personal growth and wellness topics and entertainment. I make no guarantees the information will help. If you have mental health concerns or require professional support, please connect with your doctor for treatment or an appropriate referral. Please see the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for details.