55 Incredibly Easy Ways to Spread Kindness Everyday

Kindness is infectious, wouldn’t you agree? It makes you feel good and also makes others feel appreciated and special. I wanted to share these ideas and simple ways to spread kindness.
Think about a time you’ve received something thoughtful and unexpected. Doesn’t it give you all the feels? Those instant smiles, grateful, giddy kind of feels.🥰
Kindness not only feels great to receive but an act of kindness is good for your soul.
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Importance of Kindness
In our fast-paced world, kindness is like a warm hug for the soul. The smallest act of kindness is a powerful force that can brighten someone’s day, heal hurts, and bring people closer together.
When we choose kindness, we not only make others feel good, but we also nourish our hearts.
The American Psychological Association notes that not only do acts of kindness boost our level of happiness and wellness, but they also have physical benefits such as lowering blood pressure. (1)
I’ve always believed kindness isn’t about big gestures; it’s simple things, like offering a listening ear or a friendly smile to a stranger.
Practicing daily acts of kindness starts a positive chain reaction, inspiring others to join. Which brings me to my next point…
Kindness is Contagious
When we see or experience someone being kind, it sets off a chain reaction. A simple act or a friendly smile can positively impact those around us, making everyone want to pass on the good vibes.
In fact, a team at Berkeley University in California headed by lead researcher Haesung Jung conducted an in-depth analysis of decades of research on the impact of kindness. They found:
“The results suggest that our acts of kindness and generosity, online or offline, can have meaningful ripple effects in our communities.” (2)
“Their analysis showed a moderately strong effect, where people witnessing altruism tended to follow suit themselves. That means that when people model kind and helpful behaviour, it has a healthy impact on spreading goodness in a community.” (3)
So kindness is, indeed, contagious and brings us closer together. Even the tiniest gestures have a significant impact, leaving a lasting impression on people’s hearts.
I know that’s true in my life, and I wanted to share a few simple acts of kindness that left a lasting impression on me:
- A sentimental handwritten note from a previous client before I left on maternity leave.
- A fellow volunteer making me banana bread for no reason other than she found out I liked it.
- A childhood friend showing up for me during a difficult time after two decades of losing touch.
- My boyfriend (now husband🥰) thoroughly cleaning my car for no reason.
These thoughtful gestures made my day at the time and are now lovely memories.
Other interesting facts the researchers found were that the more time passed since people witnessed someone’s kindness, the less likely they were to do another act of kindness and that women were more likely than men to pay it forward. (4)

55 Easy Ways to Spread Kindness Everyday
1. Send Kind Text Messages Just Because. 💕
We tend to be bombarded by bad news throughout the day, whether on social media, in news stories, a negative co-worker, a demanding boss, etc.
So, send a sweet text message to someone in the morning to start their day off right. Something short and simple will do. Texting takes seconds to do but can make a big difference to someone.
Some kind text messages:
- Have the best day!
- Just wanted to let you know I miss you.
- Thinking about you. ❤️
- Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?!
- Thanks for being a great friend!
- I’ll be praying for you today. 🙏
- Your smile makes me happy.
- You are so talented.
2. Befriend a Community Helper.
Reach out with a friendly smile and start a conversation with a community helper such as the mail carrier, garbage collector, or local grocer, making them feel seen and valued. Who knows, you might make a new friend!
3. Send an Unexpected Card.

I love cards, both giving and receiving them. With all of the digital ways to connect with people, it’s almost becoming obsolete these days. However, there’s beauty in receiving an unexpected handwritten card in the mail.
I always have a box of pretty blank cards at home, so whenever I need one, I can find it without running out to the store.
4. Be a Year-Round Secret Santa Claus. 🎅
Occasionally, anonymously leave treats or encouraging notes on co-workers’ desks. Work environments can be tense and stressful, so a thoughtful gesture can go a long way.
5. Embrace Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is a necessary step in your healing and one of the most meaningful ways to spread kindness. It helps you let go of any resentment, anger, or bitterness you may harbour towards that person.
Forgiveness is about your inner peace and moving forward healthily.
Forgiveness is a process and takes time, so you may need to remind yourself regularly to be forgiving towards that person(s).
6. Share a Genuine Smile. 😊
This is definitely the simplest way to spread kindness, but it works! A smile is sometimes the only thing you need to remind yourself that you matter and that there’s still kindness in the world despite all of the chaos.
7. Support a Local Artist.
It takes courage, and it’s not easy to make a living as an artisan or artist, so show kindness by buying their work and thanking them for sharing their passion and creativity.
8. Be a Courteous Driver.
Road rage is real and the opposite of spreading kindness. Living in Toronto, I’m not a stranger to people’s road rage. I know it’s not always easy in a big city, but it makes a difference. So do your best to drive with patience and empathy, allow others to merge, and use turn signals for a safer commute.
9. Stay Connected to a Hurting Soul.
Everyone goes through difficult periods, and those times can be lonely if you’re not connected to people or don’t have a strong support system.
It’s a nice gesture to text someone, but people don’t want to feel like a burden, so they’ll often say they’re fine and don’t need anything. When you know someone going through a difficult season, personally reach out to them with a phone call or pop by to check in on them (if they are comfortable with that, of course).
10. A Little Gift Goes a Long Way. 🎁
Have you ever received a random, unexpected gift? Think about how special and cared-for that made you feel. I can think of a few I’ve received that made my day, from mascara to chocolates, plants, and other self-care gift ideas.
Here are some unique and thoughtful ideas, all under $30:
- Pop-Open Cards I love these! These cute boxes come with 30 inspiring and fun pop-open cards to encourage someone. There are many themes to choose from depending on who you want to give them to (i.e. Be happy, Hope, Dream, etc).
- Eucalyptus Shower Steamers These have a soothing eucalyptus scent and are fused with menthol for a relaxing shower.
- A Box of Blessings These are beautifully designed cards with little prayers, blessings, and words of encouragement. They are double-sided, and you can write a personal message.
- Therapeutic Rose Quartz Beaded Bracelet Perfect for any girl who loves jewellery.
- Fullstar Vegetable Chopper & Slicer This will make any foodies day, I’m all about efficiency when it comes to cooking so this is a thoughtful and practical gift to help someone who likes to cook.
- Relaxing Facial Mask Sheet Skincare is an easy self-care idea, and this set of 6-sheet masks are infused with aloe, avocado, and other natural ingredients.
RELATED ARTICLE: The 40 Best Gifts To Make Someone Happy
11. Share Your Wisdom.
If you’re strong in a subject, support a student’s learning journey by becoming their tutor and helping them excel academically. This can make a lasting impression on a young person.
12. Leave a Surprise at a Laundromat.
Brighten someone’s day by leaving spare change at a laundromat for the next person in line.
13. Spread Your DIY Magic.
You don’t have to be an expert DIY’er to craft a sweet card, candle, simple piece of jewelry, or collage. This article has so many fantastic ideas.
Receiving a unique homemade gift is very special. Someone making an effort to do something thoughtful is always a welcomed act of kindness.
14. Be Generous at a Garage Sale.
If you’re running a garage sale, spread kindness by offering discounts or free items to those in need. If you’re shopping at a garage sale, pay extra for an item you love or give them a tip to show appreciation.
15. Be a Co-Worker BFF.
Work stressors are a significant factor in the level of anxiety people experience throughout the day.
Helping a co-worker with even a small task can ease their stress level. It can be picking up their work at the printer, getting them a coffee for no reason, or making a call for them.
Small gestures go a long way, especially in workplaces, where people often feel unappreciated and disconnected.
16. Gift an Inspiring Book.
Gifting someone an uplifting book is not only a thoughtful gesture but can also improve their life.
Some inspiring book ideas:
- Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
- Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: Japanese Art of Decluttering & Organizing
- Becoming by Michelle Obama
17. Be Gracious to Cashiers.
Being a cashier is a tough job. Underpaid. Long hours. You’re often unappreciated, not to mention rude customers. As a student, I was a cashier in different stores for many years and know how frustrating it can be.
Share a smile, crack a joke, ask how they’re doing, and be polite. If you see a regular cashier, show appreciation for their work and give them a thank-you card or small gift card.
18. More Hugs For the Win.
Human touch and connection are vital to our emotional well-being. How nice does a hug from a loved one feel when you get home from work or have a bad day? Give more hugs and share your love with the people in your circle.

19. Do Something Practical.
We’re all busy, so this is one of the greatest ways to spread kindness. Everyone gets bogged down by those everyday mundane chores. Why not pitch a small hand to help someone else in need?
You can ask your neighbour to pick up something for them on your trip to the grocery store, make a meal for an elderly family member, or mow your neighbour’s lawn.
20. Donate to a Charitable Organization.👚👜👔
I often donate to The Salvation Army or my church, which runs a clothing and food bank. Local shelters and smaller organizations are great options, too.
Call in advance to ensure they are taking donations and ask what they most need.
21. Depart with Your Phone.
Do your best to put away your phone when spending time with someone. Giving your undivided attention is not only considerate but also an authentic way to show you care.
22. Show Courtesy to a Stranger.
Common courtesy can make a difference to someone who needs a little kindness and love. Hold the door open, let an elderly person go ahead of you, use “please and thank you” often, say hi to people you’re passing by on a walk, and wish people a good day.

23. Always be an Encourager.
The world can be so negative and harsh at times. Choose to be a light for someone instead.
Remind someone it’s just a bad day, and tomorrow will be better. Tell a young person how impressed you are with them. Share more compliments with people. Choose to empower people with your words.
Words are powerful. That genuine, uplifting comment you made today can make all the difference to someone in need.
24. Show Them the Money. 💵
Leave a larger tip than usual. Brighten up someone’s day by leaving a little extra tip for them, it’s so appreciated by those working hard in the service industry.
25. Be the First Person to Engage.
Writing an encouraging comment is easy and free, and it can help someone who is counting on engagement. Starting a small business or a blog takes courage and hard work, so this is a simple way to show support.
26. Cultivate Patience.
The hustle and bustle of everyday life can be exhausting, causing us to lose patience quickly. We expect everything to be instant, and if not, we become easily frustrated with petty things such as a long line at the bank, someone strolling in front of us, a cash register breaking down, and so forth.
Do your best to show grace and patience toward others; it’s refreshing to see someone demonstrate kindness instead of becoming upset.
27. Practice Good Manners on the Bus. 🚌
Being courteous and respectful is a simple way of spreading kindness. Give up your seat to someone in need, smile at someone who looks sad, or strike up small talk with a friendly stranger.
28. Share Your Love with Reasons. ❤️
Telling someone why you care for them and recognizing their strengths and qualities is a great way to lift someone’s spirits and give their confidence a little boost. “I love you” can be overused, but adding reasons why you feel that way makes it much more special.
29. Show Compassion to Those In Need.
If you pass by a homeless person, smile or say hello. If you can grab them some water, food, spare change, winter gear for the cold months, or a hygienic product, those are powerful gestures that will make them feel valued and special.
30. Reach Out to Someone Who’s Not Expecting It.

As part of an assignment, I was working on a task to reach out to 2 or 3 people I lost touch with. I was nervous as I reached out, but all three conversations pleasantly surprised me and the people I called. It even helped rebuild an old friendship, for which I’m very grateful.
31. Be Generous at the Toll Booth.
Brighten someone’s day by paying for the toll of the car behind you, spreading unexpected kindness, and encouraging a chain reaction.
32. Spread Good Cheer.
There is enough negativity on social media; trolls are everywhere, spreading hateful and polarizing messages. Why not share positive news and sprinkle some kindness in the harsh world of social media instead?
Maybe it’s an uplifting story or post you read, a cute cat or dog video, or perhaps someone did something thoughtful, and you want to tell people about it.
33. Be a Friend to the Environment. 🌎
Being kind to our planet is another simple act that makes our communities healthier. Picking up some litter on your next walk or trip to the park is always appreciated by others.
34. Be Kind at the Drive-Through.
Pay for the order of the person behind you at the drive-through. A few dollars to make someone’s day is well worth it. It makes my day if someone does that for me, and I always pay it forward!
35. Be a Helping Hand in Winter.
Show thoughtfulness by helping your neighbour with the snow or ice on their car. This will save them time and effort during chilly mornings.
36. Be Mindful Not to Be Judgemental.
Society is full of critics, so do your best to be open-minded and non-judgemental. Be welcoming of others rather than judging them because they’re different.
Not only is this one of the simplest ways of spreading kindness, but it can also help you challenge any prejudices or negative beliefs you may hold.
37. Share Praise For a Teacher.
Tell the school Principal how excellent your child’s teacher is and send them a random thank-you note or email letting them know the difference they’re making in children’s lives.
38. Be a Life Line.
If you can, give blood as you can help save lives, and it’s a powerful act of selflessness.
39. Share a Verse with Someone Struggling. 🙏
Provide comfort and hope by sharing an uplifting Bible scripture and reminding them of God’s love. Some ideas:
- Psalm 107:1 – Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever.
- Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
- Matthew 11:28 – “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
40. Feed a Sick Friend. 🍜
Show you care by cooking a home-cooked meal for a sick friend. This is a great way to bring comfort and show your support.
41. Support a Mom & Pop Shop.
Boost your local community by shopping at a small business, helping them thrive, and showing your support for their hard work.
42. Be a Good Listener.

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” James 1:19
I love that verse. It’s a great reminder of the importance of listening. Simply being there for someone when they need someone to talk to is a powerful act of kindness.
If that person has a different view than you, listen and try to understand their point of view. In today’s society, we need to be good listeners more than ever. Be present and give someone your undivided attention when sharing their experiences, pain, or struggles.
43. Let Someone Go Ahead of You In Line.
This is an easy gesture. Everyone always seems to be in a rush, so taking time to slow down and be thoughtful towards others is a welcomed act of kindness.
44. Donate Old Cell Phones to Charity. 📱
Give back by donating your old cell phones to charity or individuals in need. This will give them a lifeline to connect with others and access resources.
45. Buy Coffee For an Admin. Assistant Just ‘Cuz.
Surprise the hardworking admin. assistant with a coffee as a gesture of appreciation, making their day a little less stressful.
46. Be the Bigger Person.
Resist the urge to make a catty comment in a heated debate or argument. Be the first to apologize, acknowledge your mistake, or show grace to someone struggling.
47. Share a Great Post.
If you read an excellent and helpful blog post, brighten someone’s day by sharing it and spreading the inspiration.
48. Send a Friend an Online Gift Card.
Surprise your friend with an online gift card to their favourite shop or cafe.
49. Help a Neighbour Pick Up Their Leaves. 🍂
Offer a hand by assisting your neighbour in picking up leaves and fostering a sense of community and camaraderie in your neighbourhood.
50. Encourage Your Child.
Write a sweet, uplifting note and put it in your child’s lunch bag. This is a great way to teach them how to spread kindness.
51. Donate Financially to a Charity.💸
There are many causes that need support right now, so this is a practical and much-needed way to help others.
52. Be an Employee Uplifter.
Share a compliment with a store or bank manager. Spread positivity by complimenting a helpful employee to their manager and recognizing their excellent service.
53. Help a Busy Parent Clean.
Help busy parents by offering to clean something, easing their workload, and showing support.
54. Appreciate Frontline Workers.
Show gratitude to frontline workers for their hard work and dedication. Write them a card, bring some nut-free baked goods, give them a small gift card, thank them in person, and tell them how much you appreciate them.
55. Be Kind to Yourself! ❤️
Last but not least always practice self-compassion and show yourself kindness. This is essential for having a thriving and joyful life.
We are our own worst critics, and discouraging self-talk is a common issue. One idea is to start each day by saying a few powerful self-love affirmations about yourself out loud. Forgive yourself for mistakes and work on being your own inner BFF.
Also, try to be more aware of when you start to feel low or have negative thoughts. Do your best to change those feelings by focusing on some positive things in your life, and then do something relaxing, such as this breathing technique.
Final Thoughts: Let’s Start a Kindness Revolution
In a harsh and unpredictable world, the power of kindness shines like a beacon of hope. We’ve seen how minor acts of compassion can create a domino effect of positivity, bringing joy and comfort to those around us.
In our everyday interactions, it starts with showing empathy, lending a helping hand, and offering a kind word. As we spread and choose kindness, we inspire others to do the same, and together, we can create a chain reaction of compassion toward others and towards ourselves.
I hope these ideas have inspired you and you’ll share this article with others to help start a kindness revolution!
Bonus: Quotes About Kindness

- The case for kindness
- How Kindness Spreads in a Community
- Same as above
- Same as above
Header image by Mei-Ling Mirow
Card photo by Giftpundits.com
Friends at cafe photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Hug photo by Omar Lopez
Girl on phone photo by Frank Vessia
These are great ideas that can make a huge difference in someone’s day! Cashiers deal with so many insensitive people, I always try to smile and make small talk with them.
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks for sharing, Jill:)
These are all fantastic ideas! And they take little to no time but can really brighten someone’s day! I try to let people in front of me in line a lot-normally because my cart is so full! Haha!
So true, it doesn’t take much effort to show kindness but can have such a positive impact on someone. Thanks for stopping by, Laura.
So many good ones that I can’t pick a favorite! Making something for someone is something I have started doing. I love making handmade cards. Being patient is always hard for me but working on it! 🙂
Thanks, Kathrine. So glad you liked these ideas, a handmade card is a great one!
This is a great post, thanks for sharing this. My favorite one is “Support a small business or local artist”
That’s a great one; thanks for stopping by Nestor:)
Ah very inspiring and helpful!, thanks for posting 🙂
Allie of
Thanks so much, Allie, glad you enjoyed the post:)