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  1. Being my worst critic and mastering the art of being unbothered are hard for me. I love that you included how to do it after each way. The books are a great reference, too!


    1. Martha Correa says:

      I hear you, Jill. Those two are hard for most people. Being unbothered takes time and practice; I still work on it, but every step you take towards letting things go and not taking them too personally makes such a difference!

  2. This is such a gem, Martha! I love how you pointed out that you don’t have to be born with high self-esteem or a healthy dose of it, we can absolutely develop it as time goes on and I know that I’ve found the older I get, the more that I have as far as just knowing how important it is to take care of myself – that makes me better able to take care others too. Self-limiting beliefs can be a big one for me, thanks so much for sharing this my dear friend! I pinned it!

    1. Martha Correa says:

      I’ve found that too with getting older, and I’m glad you’ve recognized the importance of caring for yourself so you also have more to give to others. Self-limiting beliefs are probably the biggest one for anyone struggling with self-esteem. Thanks so much for your comment, Ashley and for the pin. 🙂

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