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  1. I never heard about one little word until this year. So crazy! Glad you included my word humility on this list. I’m sure it’s not really popular. Lol! Love your word and can’t wait to see how you grow with it over the year.

    1. Yes, I’ve been doing it for years and find it useful, I love that you are doing a one little word project and humility is such a great word. Thanks, Kathrine:)

  2. I love this! If I had to choose 3 they would be
    consistent, strength and intentional

    1. Thanks, Yadi! Those are three great choices:)

  3. Love all of these words, Martha, including the one you chose for this year! I am with you on the resolutions. I used to make a lot of ‘resolutions’ and they always ended up with zero results, haha. So I found a better way with goal setting that works for me, and keeps me going throughout the year. I think choosing a word to guide throughout the year is so helpful in keeping us focused and motivated.

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Thank you so much, Ashley. I agree and it does help me stay focused, hope you have a great day.

  4. I have never picked a word for a year – but I think it is a great idea. You have a great list of words to pick from. I love your word for 2021. I am not one for new year’s resolutions either.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa. You should try picking one this year, I find it to be a good motivator throughout the year:)

  5. I love this list. I think for me the word that stood out is Trust. I’m going through some health issues right now, and I just have to trust that it’s where I’m meant to be right now in my life. Thanks for this list!


    1. Sorry to hear that Shauna, sending prayers your way, and I hope all will go well. I really love your perspective on trusting this is where you are meant to be. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I love your word, and that is such a great idea to incorporate these words into daily affirmations! Thanks for sharing, Mariann.

  6. I’ve never been good with sticking to new years resolutions either. I had a word the past two years but this year I haven’t picked one. You’ve put together a great list! Love this inspiration!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    1. Yes, resolutions never seemed to work for me! Thanks, Jill:)

  7. I love this! Especially over making actual resolutions- I am over that practice, haha. I think my word this year is: surrender. I’m all about control and order– which serves me well sometimes!– but other times it can be too much, and going with the flow, adapting, and letting the universe bring you what you need is best. 🙂

    Also- just followed you on Pinterest! 🙂

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. Same here so over resolutions. Ahh, that is a great word, Ashley! Surrendering is so fitting for this difficult period we are living in, thanks for sharing and for the inspiration! That’s so sweet of you, I really appreciate it:-)

    1. Thanks, Allie! Hope you are having a good start to the new year.

  8. These are all really good words! I absolutely love ‘unflappable’. It is so fun to say and makes you feel strong and powerful!

    1. I know, right?! I’m so glad you noticed that one, Laura as it’s not very common. A cute little story about that word, I once worked with an amazing lawyer and everyone would say she’s “unflappable” because she was petite but brave and powerful so I loved it since then:)

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