110 Uplifting New Year Affirmations for Positive Change

Let’s kick off the year positively with these new year affirmations. These simple yet powerful statements will encourage more positive self-talk because your words shape your reality—so let these affirmations be your toolkit for a brighter, better you in 2025!
What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are brief statements you make to feel better about yourself and challenge negative thoughts. I’ve used them for years, and while they’re a strategy that may not be for everyone, they’ve significantly boosted my confidence and self-perception.
Affirmations usually start with “I am,” but they can be any positive and genuine comment about yourself. Just be mindful not to create statements that feel fake or overly optimistic. This is called toxic positivity, which you want to avoid when creating affirmations.
For example, avoid exaggerated affirmations like “I am so powerful” or “I will be a multimillionaire.”
Instead, choose statements that align with your core values, reflect your character, or challenge your limiting beliefs so that they provide genuine encouragement.
For instance, consider these more realistic affirmations:
- “Kindness is my greatest strength.” This affirmation celebrates a positive trait in you.
- “I have overcome much and will continue to grow.” Or make it more specific and personal by saying, “I am a cancer survivor and can handle anything else.”
- “I am worthy of love.” This affirmation challenges the belief that you’re not good enough with a positive statement.
- “My past does not define me.” What happened to us or what we did in the past doesn’t make us who we are. What matters is what is in your heart now and your daily decisions and actions to improve.
Science Behind Affirmations

Psychologists have studied positive affirmations and conducted research studies on their effectiveness since the 1980s. (1)
A 2023 Psychology Today article outlines a growing body of evidence that suggests practicing daily affirmations can improve your well-being, including but not limited to (2):
- Having more activity in a part of your brain responsible for rewards.
- Improving self-control and self-efficacy.
- Increases happiness and meaning in life.
- Can improve academic achievement.
- Reduces stress.
- Can help reduce your overuse of smartphones
Our thoughts can affect how our bodies feel and react; some of our thoughts are conscious, and some are unconscious. (3)
This is also known as self-talk, and positive affirmations are a simple strategy to help reduce that mean inner voice and critic we all have.
How to Make Them More Effective

There are no hard and fast rules for practicing (new year) affirmations, but here are some of my tips for optimal results:
1. Choose affirmations that truly resonate with you, or create your own.
2. Practice in the morning before starting your day.
3. Repeat them, even multiple times, if helpful.
4. Get comfortable, take deep breaths, and enjoy the process.
5. Affirmations work best as a daily habit; integrate them into your routine, like during your hair or makeup routine.
Without further ado, here they are…

110 Uplifting New Year Affirmations for Positive Change ✅
Choose affirmations from the list below that resonate with you. Repeat them aloud for uplifting encouragement and to foster positive change in your thinking patterns.
I’ve separated them into these four categories to make it easier to find what you’re looking for:
- Joyful New Year Affirmations
- New Beginnings Affirmations
- Motivational Affirmations
- Gratitude Affirmations
- Positive Spiritual Affirmations
Joyful Affirmations
Start the new year with affirmations that bring joy and a positive outlook. I enjoyed creating these affirmations and hope you find ones you relate to.
1. I am excited about the new year.
2. I believe in my potential for this new year ahead.
3. I have what I need to make this new year great.
4. I release any unrealistic expectations for this year.
5. I will focus on my strengths.
6. I am choosing to live a healthy, balanced life this year.
7. I embrace my weaknesses as they are part of being human.
8. I welcome this new year with calm enthusiasm.
9. I know who I am and will continue improving myself.
10. I embrace the challenges this new year holds with a sense of hope, knowing I will always make it through.
11. My past circumstances or mistakes have not defined me and have been my greatest teacher.
12. I know that God is always watching over me.
13. When facing adversity, I will ask for support.
14. A new year is a chance to refresh and recharge myself.
15. I will surround myself with good people this year.
16. I will remove myself from toxic situations.
17. I am embracing more positive self-talk.
18. I will choose lasting joy over fickle happiness.
19. I will enjoy this year more fully by being present.
20. This year, I will seek support when I face difficulties, and things will work out.
21. I’m on a path to becoming the best version of myself.
22. This new year holds many new opportunities, and I am ready for them.
Related article: 100+ Happy New Month Quotes for Inspiration
New Beginnings
The new year is the most well-known starting point for fresh beginnings. It’s an opportunity to establish better habits, achieve goals, enhance relationships, and pursue your dreams. The following affirmations aim to inspire enthusiasm for the new year.
23. I love the feeling of a fresh start.
24. I embrace what this new year holds with an open mind.
25. New year, a new beginning, and a new adventure.
26. This year, I am focused on love and laughter.
27. A new year is a chance to realign myself.
28. I will treat each day as a new beginning.
29. I am open to positive change in my life.
30. I look forward to what this year has in store.
31. I am prioritizing taking care of my mental health this year.
32. A new beginning is exciting, and each step I take counts.
33. I will take small daily actions to achieve my goals.
34. I will create a clear vision for the new year ahead.
35. Every step, big or small, counts.
36. I am letting go of the past and embracing the future.
37. I will not let my fears get in the way of my success.
38. Every day presents a chance to do better than the day before.
39. This is the year I will make positive changes in my life.
40. I am focused on healing this year.
41. I am full of energy for this fresh start.
42. I will take regular breaks to achieve my goals healthily.
43. God has this new year under control, and I accept that.
44. I will work on having an optimistic attitude each day.
Related article: 85+ Inspriational End-of-Year Quotes to Reflect & Start Fresh
Motivational Affirmations
Need a boost of motivation for the new year? Choose from the affirmations below or personalize them to align with your needs and goals.
45. I know I can do it!
46. I will focus on what can go right, not what might go wrong.
47. I have what it takes to succeed.
48. I am proud of how far I have come.
49. This year has 365 new opportunities to start fresh.
50. I will continue to work on empowering myself.
51. I will let go of the things that are not in my control.
52. I am brave and have made it this far.
53. The opinions of others are unimportant to me; what matters is how I see myself.
54. I can achieve what I put my mind to.
55. The only obstacle in my way is my limiting beliefs, and I will continue to work on releasing them.
56. Today is the best time to start.
57. This new year will be a transformational one for me.
58. I choose peace this year.
59. I will challenge and replace my negative thoughts with empowering ones.
60. A positive mindset is all I need to succeed.
61. Each year, I grow wiser and stronger.
62. I am inspired to chase my dream this year.
63. I will learn from my mistakes and not punish myself because of them.
64. I am going to make the best of this year.
65. I am embracing abundance in my life.
66. It’s okay to revisit my goals throughout the year and pivot when needed.
Practicing gratitude and being more thankful is essential to your overall well-being. You don’t have to spend lots of time journaling or writing long gratitude lists to add more thankfulness to your life. Repeating a few affirmations is a simple and quick way to practice daily gratitude.
67. I am grateful to have experienced another year.
68. I will focus on small daily gratitude to make 2025 the best year yet.
69. I am thankful for my friends.
70. I will share my blessings with others.
71. It’s the tiny treasures that make life wonderful. (smile, hug, kind gesture)
72. Each day is a gift.
73. My heart is full of thankfulness.
74. I have so much to be grateful for.
75. I will show myself more compassion and forgiveness.
76. I am blessed to be alive.
77. My thankful heart is one of my greatest strengths, and I will continue to nourish it.
78. I appreciate the people who support me.
79. I will show myself grace when I make a mistake.
80. It feels great to be appreciated.
81. I will have a more positive outlook on life this year.
82. I will be generous to those around me.
83. My heart and mind are ready for a year of giving my best.
84. I am thankful for my positive experiences this past year and am open to many more.
85. I will focus on what I have this year, not what I don’t.
86. Kindness is a superpower that I will use throughout the year.
87. I will be thankful for all that I have.
88. Being grateful daily helps nourish my soul and strengthen my mind.
Positive Spiritual Affirmations
These spiritual affirmations are personal and reflect my Christian faith and values. By “spirituality,” I specifically mean God as described in the Bible and my relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to use them, and I hope they will bless you. ❤️
89. I fully trust God to lead me in the right direction this year.
90. I will do my best to turn my pain into praise.
91. God holds my life in his hands, so I have nothing to fear.
92. I will be a light to others.
93. I will turn my worry into worship.
94. My God is bigger than my problems.
95. I will guard my heart as everything flows from it.
96. I am empowered through my Lord and Saviour.
97. I will focus on righteousness.
98. I have nothing to fear, as He has already overcome the world.
99. God has blessed me beyond measure.
100. I trust that God is working everything out for my good.
101. God is with me always and will never leave me.
102. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)
103. I have peace that surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
104. I will continue to nourish my soul with God’s word.
105. My daily devotional helps give me courage for the day ahead.
106. I will work on turning my fear into faith.
107. My joy comes from God and is not contingent on circumstances.
108. He has provided everything I need.
109. God is so good.
110. The greatest gift is love, and God is love.

Uplifting Affirmations for Positive Change – You Can Do It
As you try these affirmations, remember a positive mindset is just one thought away.
These affirmations are friendly reminders to improve your thoughts and lift your mood. They aren’t meant to be a cure; they’re a tool to help you be kind to yourself and think more positively, just like you do for others.
You can change how things are in your life, and these New Year affirmations are here to support you in overcoming any doubts you might have. If they don’t feel right or work for you, that’s okay. The important thing is that you’ve spent time thinking about your strengths and trying something different, and that’s a positive step forward!
Related Article: Uplifting & Empowering Words (Not Resolutions) for the New Year
1. The Science Behind Self-Affirmations-Psychology Today
2. Same as above.
3. Affirmations May Improve Life Satisfaction and Well-Being-Psychology Today

I love this idea of affirmations for the new year. I will have to come up with a few of my own. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, these affirmations really touched me this morning, my dear friend! You always put together such comprehensive posts and I appreciate that, and I know so many others do too. 🙂 I love how you separated these out into categories as everyone is likely looking for something a little different, they are all just so thoughtful and positive. I know I could use more of these types of thoughts! Saving this on Pinterest to come back to later on, I have a feeling I’ll be jotting down different ones throughout the new year, Martha! Love to put affirmations on sticky notes and keep them by my desk or in my planner where I’ll see them often.
Wishing you a fantastic upcoming weekend, my dear friend!
Make Life Marvelous
So many of these affirmations are resonating with me. I have so many goals for the new year, and I know these will help! Pinning this! Happy Holidays Martha!
Jill – Doused in Pink