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    1. I’m so glad this post came at the right time for you, Kathrine. Yes, a holiday weekend can be particularly bad for this feeling!

  1. I have to say, I suffer from a lot of different anxieties, but luckily the Sunday Scaries isn’t one of them 🙂 Great tips though for all who do! Hope you have a great week friend! xo


    1. That’s great that you’ve never experienced this type of anxiety, Shauna!

    1. Thanks, Lovely! Journaling is always a great option to help us stay calm and reduce anxiety.

  2. This has affected my husband for as long as I’ve known him. He dreads Sundays and never wants to have plans but he doesn’t do anything at home on Sunday’s either. I’ll be sharing this with him!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    1. I really hope these ideas will help your husband, Jill. They’ve made a big difference for me; it’s such an awful feeling to have and can totally ruin your day.

  3. These are all great tips! I struggle with the anxiety of Monday (or SMonday) a bit – thinking of everything I had to do. It used to be worse when I didn’t work from home – working from home has definitely lowered my stress – and brought back my true enjoyment of work.

    1. Hi Lisa, I’m glad to hear that working from home has helped with this feeling and that you are enjoying work more!

  4. These are such great ideas! I’ve found that self-care and meditation really help me get on track for the upcoming week!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. Those are both great ways to get ready for the week ahead, Ashley thanks for sharing!

  5. I have heard this term the Sunday Scaries twice this week. I sometimes have dreaded Mondays, especially if I don’t feel I tackled enough during the weekend. I feel like my Monday list will be so long!
    These tips are great! thanks for sharing!

    1. You’re welcome, Yadi! I’m glad you found these tips helpful:)

  6. I have definitely had the Sunday Scaries and more times than I’d like to admit. When I had my old banking job, it was a multitude of reasons why I was overwhelmed and stressed. I would even start worrying about the week ahead on Saturday sometimes. It’s better now than it used to be, but I’m certainly trying to make my full time job something I truly love so there isn’t anything for me to really ‘dread’ for the week ahead.

    Such a fantastic, comprehensive post, friend. It is super helpful!

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Oh wow, if you started worrying on Saturday too, that’s a horrible case of Sunday Scaries! I’m glad to hear you got a new job Ashley and are working to make it a better experience. That’s so important. Our attitude makes a big difference.

  7. Your blog is so inspiring! This is such a great post. I do always get a little bummed on Sundays and I really like your idea of getting something to treat yourself on Monday or maybe a little spa night at home the night before to relax oneself!


    1. That’s such a compliment, Carrie. Thank you so much!! Yes, treating yourself on Monday and having something to look forward to really helps me.

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